Sunday, September 07, 2008

How UPS / Fedex could do more for the environment

Last week UPS delivered packages to my house on three separate occasions. None of these packages was urgent. The thought occurred to me -- why didn't they delay some of the packages and deliver them all on the same day?

The answer is obvious -- up to now most people only cared about getting their package as quickly as possible.

Well, guess what, the world is changing and there are now lots of people who care more about the environment than getting their new shoes on Tuesday instead of Wednesday.

So, UPS and Fedex, why not give us the option to opt-in to an 'Eco-friendly delivery' option either on shopping web sites OR directly with UPS/Fedex with an option where I can set my delivery address to 'batch all incoming deliveries such that any incoming non-priority package is delayed if there is another package behind it that would otherwise be delivered on consecutive days. If I set the option on your site this would trump whatever 2-day or 3-day option I chose on a shopping site.

Net result ... less pollution, lower costs for UPS/Fedex, and in many cases less inconvenience for me as I only have to open the door to UPS/Fedex once a week instead of twice or three times.

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